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Duncan Yo-Yo Spin Oil

Prices are restricted to registered users

Quick overview

This small pot of oil is intended for optimising yo-yos which require a 'bind' (i.e. are 'un-responsive). Small particles of dust or dirt can occasionally get lodged in your yo-yo bearing's internal mechanism - this oil will help alleviate the problem and return your bearing to running quietly and smoothly. Using this oil will also increase the lifespan of your yo-yo bearing. Please note that oil may cause a bearing to run slightly slower than a 'dry' bearing, but the difference is barely noticeable unless you're consistently throwing non-stop, multi-trick power routines. Supplied in a simple Jiffy.

Prices are restricted to registered users

The products and services of Juggling Wholesale are available to registered customers, who are looking to purchase our products in quantity. If you think you may be eligible for an account then head to the Account Application page to get started.

Brand Duncan
RRP £5.99
Weight 0.01kg

This small pot of oil is intended for optimising yo-yos which require a 'bind' (i.e. are 'un-responsive). Small particles of dust or dirt can occasionally get lodged in your yo-yo bearing's internal mechanism - this oil will help alleviate the problem and return your bearing to running quietly and smoothly. Using this oil will also increase the lifespan of your yo-yo bearing. Please note that oil may cause a bearing to run slightly slower than a 'dry' bearing, but the difference is barely noticeable unless you're consistently throwing non-stop, multi-trick power routines. Supplied in a simple Jiffy.

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